Departure times The Hague Central
The departure times above are updated live.
These current departure times are always updated live.
If you want to know where the station is, you will find it here address of railwaystation The Hague Central
And if you want to continue your journey to Hollands Spoor Station, and you want to go there on foot or by public transport, then here it is address of Railwaystation Hollands Spoor.
Continuous trains between Amsterdam and Rotterdam, including those of the night network, but not the international train service Thalys, pass through The Hague. However, they do not pass through Den Haag Centraal and only stop at Den Haag HS Station. The trains to and from Leiden and Amsterdam that have The Hague as a start or end point, come in The Hague Central and not along HS. As a result, a somewhat impractical situation has arisen for many travelers: coming from the south, they must know well whether they should transfer to HS or Central; Coming from the north, it is sometimes best to transfer to Leiden.
These departure times are specified by the NS to us. Possible errors with reservation.
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